Prophetic Words

Now Available as a paperback and ebook
(Final prophecy in book is 29 March 2013)
#Most Recent Prophecies#
9 August 2015 - The Blood of the Lamb, Lion and Babies; Robin Hood, Planned Parenthood, Aslan and Islam; Rees Howells Battled and Enoch Powell Warned!
...One lion dies and millions are deeply offended...with all that is going on in the name of Islam, a few cry out about the word ‘swarm’...
2 June 2015 - Religious Games – To Play or Pray? The Social Gospel or Blood-Bought Redemption? Wake up America, Great Britain, European Nations!
An Army of Demoniacs are Gathering...to Devour the West!
17 May 2015 - Shaking Nations and the Avalanche of Deception, I will have the Attention of My People, The Fear of God Restored
13 April 2014 - Pandering Politicians with Misguided Beliefs in a Politically Correct Britain (Palm Sunday)
26 January 2014 - Presumptuous Service – My Plans or Yours? (The Call of God, His Plan and His Timing!)
23 October 2013 - The Last Hour Intercessors (The Completion of the Every Creature Commission)
29 September 2013 - Do not Play with the Word of God – Live It (Deny Self, Take up your Cross and Follow Christ)
23 August 2013 - Different Chains of Grace (A Life of Leisure that Scatters or a Life that Gathers and Counts?)
10 April 2013 - Holy Spirit Led Intercession (Death to Self – Cleansing, Separation and Training)
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‘Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the people, sanctify the congregation,
assemble the elders, gather the children and the nursing babes …Let the priests, who minister to the Lord weep
between the porch and the altar, let them say, "Spare Your people, O Lord, and do not give Your heritage to reproach…" ’
(Joel 2:15-17).
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