The true expression of being a Christian or disciple of Jesus Christ should be one and the same - in the Bible there is no difference,
however in the modern Church, there is a deviation.
The message of the gospel is ‘repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ’ and when people respond to that
message, they become Christians. But when we read the gospels, Jesus often speaks about discipleship, which is far
more profound than just ‘going to church.’ The message of discipleship is ‘forsake all and follow Me.’ The first disciples
obeyed this command (Matthew 19:27).
Jesus constantly spoke about the cost of discipleship and His words confront many modern
expressions of Christianity. But He is not asking us to literally walk away from our lives, but to
‘put all on His altar’ (Romans 12:1).
He is asking us to lay everything down, so that He truly becomes our Lord. If we have laid down our all on His
altar, then we shall obey when He says to go or give. He should be the Master and we His obedient servants.
We all have probably sung, ‘I surrender all’, but have we really?
‘…Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple’ (Luke 14:33).
Paul Backholer
Paul is the author of:
The Exodus Evidence
The Ark of the Covenant
How Christianity Made the Modern World
Heaven - a Journey to Paradise and the Heavenly City