The End-Time Storms
(Treasures of Heaven or Treasures in Jars of Clay)
This is what the Sovereign Lord says,
“As the mist of time clears along with Satan’s fog of deception, those who have chosen to truly focus upon My Word will
be able to see in the Spirit more clearly, and be more able and willing to see what the Holy Spirit shows them. For
generations, many have seen what they wanted to see and believed what they wanted to believe and are comfortable with.
“It was always My intent and purpose that through the Church, My manifold wisdom would be made plain to the rulers and
authorities, the powers of darkness, spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms. Yet, I see before Me a Church
(the Body of Christ) meeting inside buildings where all kinds of earthly treasure is stored, where moth, rust, and
thieves have all taken their toll. Much of what remains is detestable in My sight, but is greatly valued by some and
worshipped by others. There was real concern by some for the buildings and their fittings, but little concern for My
name or the treasure of Heaven, the treasure in jars of clay. Are they not of greater value than the carved images of
wood or the idols of gold, silver, bronze and stone?
“If My Spirit truly lives in you (are you not the temples of the Holy Spirit?), living stones to be built into a
spiritual house; a holy house, a holy priesthood bringing spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus
Christ. I gave strict instructions to Moses on how to build a sanctuary for Me, to dwell among My people. I gave Moses
the exact pattern to follow, likewise, Jesus gave the exact instructions on how His Church should be built, led by the
Holy Spirit built on the living stone, rejected by man but precious to God. I tell you plainly, if the Lord does not
build His house then you labour in vain. Many call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ yet continue to put their own will before Mine,
like the man who built his house in My name, he builds on sand, he hears My words but refuses to put them into practice.
“Wake up, wake up, there is a shake up on the way! Wake up from your slumber and the sin of self-sufficiency and admit
your poverty. Have you not seen the signs of the end of the age all around you? The beginning of the birth pains. Be not
deceived only the unwise and fools refuse to build on the solid rock, the Rock of Ages, a sure and sound foundation that
cannot be shaken or washed away. As the level of sin and self-satisfaction continues to rise, so shall the floods and the
force of the wind. This is a global warning, a sign that the wind of change, the breath of God, the true power of the Holy
Spirit is coming on the Church to prepare her to receive the end-time harvest and make a stand. For another storm will surely
follow in time that will crash up against the true and the false houses. One will appear to stand for a time, but being
counterfeit, the foundation will be washed away and the house of religion built by man will fall. The other will take a great
battering on all sides but will stand firm to the end, as it hangs on to the rock of its salvation.
“The fulfilment of the ages is here and knocking on your door. Man and his plans will wither while the Word of the Lord stands
forever. You will be compelled to come into the light, as I AM in the light to see and face the truth. Many I say, far too many
are living on borrowed time, the hour of trial is coming. The time of man’s assorted association with good and evil will come to
a close, and without true faith your hope will diminish. For this shall indeed be a time of great uncertainty when My house, My
temples, the temples of the Holy Spirit will be the only ones left standing. Be warned, there is only one foundation that has
already been laid; any other foundation is sand, counterfeit and of Satan, and will be washed away. So repent and turn away from
sin and all that is selfish; sin and selfishness started with Satan and comes to an end with Satan’s end.
Michael Backholer, 1 March 2013 – www.ProphecyNow.co.uk