Holy Spirit Led Intercession
Death to Self – Cleansing, Separation and Training
This is what the Sovereign Lord says,
“To those who I am calling out and setting apart for such a time as this; to build up the wall and stand before Me
in the gap on behalf of the land and others. There is no greater calling than to lay down your life and live or die
for another. The greater the calling, the greater the cost, cleansing and preparation that is required which is never
easy, but very necessary if you are to be wholly Mine. Every area of your life and heartfelt emotions will be placed
under the microscope of the Holy Spirit, so that every sin and attitude can be seen for what it truly is. Your friends,
family and associates will not be permitted to come between the Holy Spirit and yourself. The Word of God will begin
to take on a whole new meaning as you are called daily to live it out in all your dealings with others. When the Holy
Spirit enters you to abide, others will withdraw from you and view you with suspicion. You will be misunderstood by
some who will accuse you of all manner of things, while others who you would least expect will mock you, and do all
they can to discourage you from dying to self and the pleasures of this world.
“Be warned, you will be called at times to come into agreement with the Holy Spirit against yourself, as your old self
(the life of the flesh) will rear up and have to be dragged kicking to the cross as you are encouraged, and at times
compelled by the Holy Spirit to choose between your will and His. But always remember only one Person ever chose to go to
a cross of crucifixion – Christ. As He was despised, so will you be. The Holy Spirit may rebuke you about your attitude,
the places you go, or how you spend the Lord’s money, which you used to call your own, which other believers are not in the
least bit concerned about. Those who you share your bread with, or others you fellowship with will find being with you
uncomfortable at times, as the Holy Spirit in you shines forth the character of Jesus.
“With the passing of time, you will find it more and more difficult to mingle with the crowd, or live for pleasure as they do.
This will mark you out and set you apart, as you are drawn into the hidden life and enter into My rest. This life of separation
and service comes at a cost, but the blessings far outweigh them and are eternal. You will have heard of ground-to-air missiles
or heat-seeking missiles, true intercession is like these. As you are introduced to the Person of the Holy Spirit and learn to
abide with Him, He in turn will teach you through His intercessions (in and through you) what to beam in on, lock onto, and
target the enemy in spiritual warfare.
“Be warned, this time of cleansing, separation and training is never easy, because daily, the enemy of your soul will try to paint
pictures on your imagination to divert your focus. But, you will find everything you need to stand against him in victory in the Holy
Spirit, as He directs you. At the same time, you will experience and identify with the burdens of the Holy Spirit for those who are
lost and without hope. There are no medals to be won or honours bestowed, but you will know the joy and the honour of what’s being
granted to you on behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him (Philippians 1:29), to be crucified with
Him, and know the true power of His resurrected life (Galatians 2:20).
“When you consider your own life as nothing, and only live to complete the work He has given you by Divine grace (shunning
human ability; submitting to Jesus Christ first and then surrendering to the Holy Spirit and the Divine Will of God the Father),
then the process of sanctification that begins is long and on-going, as your old nature and all that has tainted you from your
past is cleansed, so that you become a temple for the Holy Spirit, a channel that is wholly His, that He can work in and through.
“This has nothing whatsoever to do with the latest Christian craze of ‘rising or coming up to the next level.’ These sayings
may feed the flesh but have nothing to do with My Spirit. To walk with the Spirit is a downward path and death to the flesh.
You can only walk in the true power of the Holy Spirit when your relationship with Him means more to you than anything else.
Then in the fullness of My time, the Every Creature Commission will be completed. Not by the might of man, nor by his power
as some believe, but by My Spirit declares the Lord Almighty.”
Michael Backholer, 10 April 2013 – www.ProphecyNow.co.uk