(Go and Make Disciples of all Nations)
This is what the Sovereign Lord says,
“To My shepherds, do you not say, before the darkest hour is the dawn? Yes, these are indeed dark days and that darkness shall become even darker, but do not concern yourself too much with that. Rejoice I say, rejoice, for did I not say it would be so? Rejoice I say, rejoice, as it gets darker and it will, so shall My light shine brighter.
“Do you truly understand the days you are living in? Are you looking for My return? Some are; there is a remnant who are preparing and teaching My people in preparation for that day – what about you? Have I not said, prepare My people for works of service? Did you not understand that you were to be about My Father’s business, building His Kingdom? And what about My sheep that are scattered; have you searched for them? And the hurt ones, have you bandaged their wounds? And have you healed the sick ones, or were you too busy doing what you thought should be done? Not many of you find the time to sit at My feet as Mary did; you are part of the Martha generation – always keeping busy, so busy you don’t hear what I am saying. And what of My new born lambs who skip and jump, who look to you to teach and train them how to do what My disciples did, and still do. Do you truly understand what I am saying? Go and make disciples of all nations.
My sheep look to you week after week and you say everything you need is in God’s Word and rightly so. However there are large portions you yourselves have turned a blind eye to; so much so, that some are walking out of balance and walk round in circles, never really getting to the full truth. Now is the time to make the time and seek Me with all your being, and give the Holy Spirit His rightful place in My Father’s house. Then you can truly say, Jesus is among us, and furthermore, you shall witness that I AM truly the same yesterday, and today and forever.”
Michael Backholer, Sunday 26 February 2006 - www.ProphecyNow.co.uk
Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).