
Britain Revival Vision: Jean Darnall 1967
The following is from Revival Fires and Awakenings: Thirty-Six Visitations of the Holy Spirit by Mathew Backholer and is used by permission.
Jean Darnell Vision 1967
During 1967, American evangelist Jean Darnall, on her first trip to England (en-route to Hong Kong) had the last of
three recurring visions. The third time she had the vision she was staying in the manse at St. Mary’s Church in
Poole, Dorset, England.
In these visions she was looking down upon the United Kingdom, having a birds-eye view of the British Isles.
Vision Of Revival In Great Britain
The British Isles were covered in mist (a green haze), and Jean Darnell saw lots of pinpoints of light piercing
through. As she looked, they turned out to be fires breaking out all over the nation, from Scotland in the North,
to Lands End in the South.
As these God-lit fires were joined together they burned brighter. As she continued to pray, she saw lightning and
explosions of fire and then rivers of fire flowing from North to South; from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales into England
and some of the streams of fires crossed the channel into Europe, whilst others stopped.
These fires were pockets of people who had been made intensely hungry for the word of God and for New Testament
Christianity, those who read the book of Acts and wondered 'where is this church?'
These people would come together to pray and extra meetings would have to be laid on to accommodate all the people.
Groups would be formed, prayer groups, Bible study groups - some would meet in churches, others would be in
homes: some converted, others unconverted who were searching and seeking.
Two Moves Of God
Jean Darnall asked the Lord about the vision and had the distinct impression that there would be two moves of God.
1. Renewal In The Church
The first would be the renewal of Christian faith and fullness of the Holy Spirit within the church.
2. National Awakening And World Vision
This renewal of life in the church would spread outside resulting in a public awakening. The second part of the vision
was the lightning striking around the nation. This move of God would be a national spiritual awakening, which would
move into every level of the nation’s life; on the campuses, universities, colleges, schools etc., into the media and
in the government.
There would be so many conversions that it would actually change the character of the nation of Britain and determine
the future move of God in Europe. Jean continued that there would not be a part of the nation’s life that will not
feel the impact of the spiritual awakening when God releases it to the country.
Great Preachers
The Lord told Jean Darnall that He would also raise up highly anointed preachers who would move in signs and wonders.
These people would be a gift to Britain.
Communicators Reaching Britain And Europe
The word ‘communicators’ was strongly laid upon Jean’s heart and was a word that was not trendy in those days.
[The internet was not be birthed until nearly three decades later in 1994 and Christian television first came
to Britain via satellite in October 1995].
Jean explained that as the rivers of fire moved, it would produce powerfully gifted communicators who would address
the nation through the media, (Through the arts, journalism, the radio and television). Actors, singers, teachers
and powerful communicators (who have an anointing to work through the media) will be the new warriors that the Lord
is raising up for His army [the younger generation] to reach the heart of the people on the European Continent.
People with a special anointing will be sent out from these islands (of Britain) to other nations.
These communicators will be excellent in all that they do and will go into Europe and meet those of like quality
(in training and abilities) and together they will work to release God’s word speedily into Europe. This will result
in another wave of a spiritual awakening into Europe. Also, there would be communicators in government and within
the educational system and wherever people are speaking [up] for others.
Jean Darnall
The vision of 1967 came at the time of the early Charismatic renewals within the UK. Jean Darnall, in response to
this recurring vision, stayed in Britain for over two decades along with her husband to help nurture the fires
that God lit. Jean Darnall (at the time of writing this) lives in Hawaii working with YWAM, and still anticipates
the impending mass awakening of Great Britain and beyond as revealed in these visions.
Revival Links
Overview of Revival
What is Christian revival?
Why we need Revival
Revival Books:
Revival Answers, True and False Revivals
Revival Fires and Awakenings: Thirty-Six Visitations of the Holy Spirit
Global Revival: Worldwide Outpourings - Forty-Three Visitations of the Holy Spirit
Revival Fire - 150 Years of Revivals: Spiritual Awakenings and Moves of the Holy Spirit
Understanding Revival and Addressing the Issues it Provokes
Revival DVD:
Great Christian Revivals
Thus says the Lord: “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour
out My Spirit on your descendants and My blessing on your offspring” (Isaiah 44:3).
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