Mathew Backholer is a revival historian, broadcaster and author. Mathew has travelled to over forty nations of the world carrying out research,
executing missions and filming/presenting Christian TV and documentary projects.
In the late 1990s, Mathew studied in a British Bible college, where he later worked as a staff member, carrying out various duties, including evangelism,
itinerate preaching and leading teams of students in outreaches, including weeks of evangelism.
Mathew now works with ByFaith Media researching and developing new Christian books, writing for the ByFaith website and preparing for new
TV projects with his brother Paul.
Mathew is the author of Mission Preparation Training (2006), Revival Fires and Awakenings (2006 and 2009), Global Revival - Worldwide Outpourings (2009), Revival Fire - 150 Years of Revivals (2009), Understanding Revival and Addressing the Issues it Provokes (2009), How to Plan, Prepare and Successfully Complete your Short-Term Mission (2010), Discipleship for Everyday Living – Christian Growth (2011), Revival Answers: True and False Revivals (2013) and Extreme Faith, On Fire Christianity (2013).
Books by Mathew Backholer.