ByFaith Media News
“Go and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you”
(Matthew 28:19-20).
Faith Not Fear – The Coronavirus Pandemic - #FaithNotFear
In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve produced our #FaithNotFear campaign on social media platforms @ByFaithMedia.
Please follow the best medical advice and do not give in to fear - keep trusting in God. We’re posting quotes from
Scripture on resisting fear, and from Christian leaders who lived through plagues in history and how they responded in faith.
You can find all the quotes together on our Pinterest
page under the 'Faith Not Fear' board. Stay safe and keep the faith.
Social Isolation in the Bible
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past
(Isaiah 26:20).
Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death
An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home
Come on a journey to another world of eternal bliss, joy and light, in this enchanting narrative which pulls you in and shows you heaven.
Meet those who have gone before into paradise and found eternal peace.
Enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, with a man and an angelic guide to discover the truth about immortality, the afterlife and the joy of eternity.
Discover the wonder of paradise, the Garden of Eden, the cloud of witnesses and be thrilled with loved ones reunited, with the hope of heavenly rewards.
Find out more about the book here.
God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted by Rees Howells
God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted.
The Destruction of the Third Reich foretold by the Director
of Swansea Bible College, an Intercessor from Wales.
By Rees Howells and Mathew Backholer.
Available for the first time in 80 years: God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted.
Fully annotated and reformatted with digitally enhanced photos. Discover how Rees Howells built a large
ministry by faith in times of economic chaos and learn from the predictions he made during times of
national crisis, of the destruction of the Third Reich, the end of fascism and the liberation of Christian Europe during World War II.
Find out more about the book here.
ByFaith TV productions now on Amazon Prime Video
Look out for ByFaith TV productions and co-productions with other Christian TV producers on Amazon Prime Video.
Christian Revival & Holy Spirit Awakenings
Join revival historian and prolific author Mathew Backholer, as he joins Gordon Pettie in the Revelation TV studios
to examine many powerful Christian revivals which shook the world. From the Hebridean Revival of 1949, the Welsh
Revival of 1904, the Azusa Street Revival of 1906, the Korean Revival of 1907, the Layman's Prayer Revival of 1857,
the Ulster Revival of 1859, and many others.
Short-Term Mission Adventures
The mission begins when two adventurers land in Asia, a continent of maximum extremes. After overcoming culture shock and difficult travel,
the adventurous missionaries preach in the slums. From India they strike out into Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The mission also touches down in the great cities of Europe - London, Paris, Rome, Dublin, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.

The Bible's Lost Ark of the Covenant: Where Is It?
The Ark of the Covenant was the greatest treasure in Solomon's Temple, but when Jerusalem fell the Ark vanished from history.
Now join two adventurers on their quest for the Ark of the Covenant, beginning at Mount Sinai where it was made, to Pharaoh
Tutankhamun's tomb, crossing the Sahara Desert into the underground rock churches of Ethiopia and beyond, in an epic adventure.

The Exodus Evidence
Join two adventurers as they investigate a three-thousand year old mystery, entering the tombs of ancient Egypt seeking
the exodus evidence. Discover the first reference to Israel outside of the Bible in hieroglyphics, uncover ancient
depictions of people with multi-coloured coats, encounter the Egyptian records of slaves making bricks and find lost
cities mentioned in the Bible.

Glorious Christian Revival & Holy Spirit Awakenings
Discover the Welsh Revival (1904-1905), the Hebridean Revival (1949-1952) and the Evangelical Revival (1739-1791),
with Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell and John Wesley. Filmed on location.

Travel the World & Explore for Less than $50 a Day
Travel the World and Explore is the essential guide to traveling the world and exploring new destinations for less than $50 a day.
For the solo backpacker or with friends this up-to-date practical guide will save you time and money with ideas, and need-to-know information
so you can have the adventure of a lifetime from two weeks to one year.
Full of global travelers’ advice, anecdotes and testimonies to make
your trip cheaper, safer and more exciting than you could ever have imagined! Save money with tricks and tips to ease you into your travels
abroad and reduce the pressure of traveling in new destinations.
Find out more about the book here.
Christianity Rediscovered, Book 1, by Mathew Backholer
Since the beginning of time mankind has asked, “Why am I alive, does my life matter and is there an afterlife I can prepare for?”
Christianity Rediscovered has the answers and will help you find meaning, focus, clarity and peace. It reveals how to pursue God,
invites direction, provides spiritual guidance and will motivate you to live a strong Christian life in the present whilst preparing for eternity.
Christianity Rediscovered is rooted and grounded in the Bible and is written in an easy-to-read style with verses of Scripture printed in full,
with practical advice, guidance and explanations. Intermingled throughout the book are quotes from leaders of the Christian faith which help
explain and reinforce Christian truth in a contemporary manner. The contents are practical in their explanations, lively in their illustrations
and are not a list of do’s and don’ts, but what you need to know to succeed and grow now, and for a great eternal life.
Find out more about the book here.
Christian Inspiration on Pinterest
ByFaith Media is now on Pinterest and we’re uploading inspirational quotes, images and thoughts all the time. Join us here.
Daily inspiration, encouragement and adventure
Great news, more people are joining us on social media for daily inspiration, encouragement and adventure. Find more quotes like this one by liking and following @ByFaithMedia
New 2018 edition. The Ark of the Covenant - Investigating the Ten Leading Claims
What happened to the Ark of the Covenant? The mystery of the Bible’s lost Ark has led to many myths, theories and claims being made,
but do any of them have a shred of credibility? Now, join two explorers as they investigate the ten major theories concerning
the location of antiquities greatest relic.
Using professional archaeological reports, eyewitness accounts and personal exploration, from Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb to Ethiopia’s
underground rock churches, the investigators are able to eliminate popular myths and legends by searching for the truth in their
quest for the Ark of the Covenant. Find out more about the book here.
New 2018 edition. The Exodus Evidence - The Bible’s Exodus
Join two authors and television broadcasters on their four year quest to investigate the mystery of the Hebrew exodus out of Egypt.
Witness in full colour pictures, scenes of Semitic people with multi-coloured coats entering Egypt, find Semitic settlements in the
Bible’s land of Goshen and discover how archaeological finds combined with computer technology can help reveal the face of Joseph and
the exodus pharaoh!
Find out more about the book here.
ByFaith Media Books Now On Google Play
All of ByFaith Media books are now on Google Play, as well as Kobo, Kindle, Nook, iBooks,
Smashwords and others as eBooks. Our books are also available as paperbacks and some as hardbacks.
Social media breakthrough: Inspiration, encouragement and adventure
It’s an exciting year for social media at ByFaith Media. We’ve produced inspirational picture quotes, videos and images
to be shared across social media. Make sure you sign up and recommend a friend too.
Join prolific author and Revival Historian Mathew Backholer for an entire TV series on Christian revival now showing online for free.
Click on the YouTube link below and choose the playlist you want.
Join Mathew Backholer and Gordon Pettie, CEO of Revelation TV, as they explore some of the greatest revivals the world has ever seen. The revivals that they
cover include the Layman’s Revival in New York 1857, the Ulster Revival of 1859, the Korean Revival of 1907 and the amazing events surrounding the
Welsh Revival of 1904. Other episodes include the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 and the Hebridean Revival of 1949.
If you want to study the subject of revival further, here are some of Mathew Backholer’s books on Christian Revival and Awakenings.
Reformation to Revival Go
Revival Fires and Awakenings Go
Revival Fire - 150 Years of Revivals Go
Global Revival – Worldwide OutpouringsGo
Understanding Revival and Addressing the Issues it Provokes Go
Revival Answers, True and False Revivals, Genuine or Counterfeit Go
Reformation to Revival, 500 Years of God’s Glory Book
Sixty Revivals, Awakenings and Heaven-Sent Visitations of the Holy Spirit.
For the past five hundred years God has been pouring out His Spirit, to reform and to revive His Church.
Reformation to Revival traces the Divine thread of God’s power from Martin Luther of 1517, through to the
Charismatic Movement and into the twenty-first century, featuring 60 great revivals from 20 nations on five continents.
Find out more about the book here.
Prolific author and Revival Historian Mathew Backholer is featured on the cover of Revelation TV Times, to highlight the six episode TV series
on Christian revival airing in May to June on Revelation TV.

Join Gordon Pettie, CEO of Revelation TV, as he interviews Revival Historian and author Mathew Backholer
about some of the greatest revivals the world has ever seen. The revivals that they will be covering in May will be the events surrounding the Layman’s Revival in
America in 1857, the Ulster Revival of 1859, the Korean Revival of 1907 and the
amazing events surrounding the Welsh Revival of 1904. In June, they will be covering the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 and the Hebridean Revival of 1949.
Their prayer for each of these programmes is that God will do it again in our times.
If you want to study the subject of revival, here are some of Mathew Backholer’s books on Christian Revival and Awakenings.
Revival Fires and Awakenings Go
Revival Fire - 150 Years of Revivals Go
Global Revival – Worldwide OutpouringsGo
Understanding Revival and Addressing the Issues it Provokes Go
Revival Answers, True and False Revivals, Genuine or Counterfeit Go
Budget Travel, A Guide to Travelling on a Shoestring
This is a practical and concise guide to travelling the world and exploring new destinations
with fascinating opportunities and experiences.
Full of anecdotes, traveller’s advice, informative timelines and testimonies, with suggestions,
guidance, ideas and need-to-know information to help you survive and thrive on your budget travels and have the adventure of a lifetime!
Whether you go solo, join with friends, participate in humanitarian work, join an overland bus trip or take your own vehicle, this book is for you.
Find out more about the book here.
Glimpses of Glory, Revelations in the Realms of God
Find a world beyond earth which is real, vivid and eternal. Many people have claimed to have visited heaven and yet these accounts often
conflict with what the Word of God says. In this narrative receive biblical glimpses and revelations into life in paradise, which is
filled with references to Scripture to confirm its veracity.
Join a believer, an angel and a glorified man on the most biblical book about heaven that you may ever read. Find answers to questions
and open your mind to eternal thinking, as you reach beyond the veil into eternity, with those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Find out more about the book here.
The Baptism of Fire
Jesus will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire; that was the promise of John the Baptist. But what is the baptism of fire and how can you experience it?
In this book, the author unveils the life and ministry of the Holy Spirit, shows how He can transform your life and what supernatural living in Christ means.
Discover how the Holy Spirit worked throughout Scripture and find testimonies of those walking in the Spirit today. Filled with biblical references,
testimonies from heroes of the faith and the experiences of everyday Christians, you will learn that the baptism of fire is real
and how you can receive it!
Find out more about the book here.
Lost Treasures of the Bible
Join a photographic quest in search of the lost treasures of the Bible. Unveil ancient mysteries as you discover the evidence for Israel’s exodus from Egypt, and travel into lost civilisations in search of the Ark of the Covenant.
Explore lost worlds with over 160 colour pictures and find how evidence outside of the Bible gives a deeper insight into the mysteries of ancient Israel. Learn what happened to the treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem and experience an onsite travel journal through Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia.
Find out more about the book here.
Short-Term Missions, A Christian Guide to STMs
Short-Term Missions, A Christian Guide to STMs is a full and concise guide to STMs. What you need to know about planning a STM, or joining a STM team, and considering the
options as part of the Great Commission, from the Good News to good works.
Find out more about the book here.
New Covers and Revised Interiors
The entire range of ByFaith Media books have been updated for 2016, with new covers and revised interiors.
Find the full range here.
Massive eBook Distribution
We’ve expanded our eBook distribution to include all major outlets. You can now download ByFaith Media eBooks from
Apple iBook,
Debt Time Bomb! Debt Mountains! eBook
The financial crisis and its toxic legacy for the next generation. A Christian Perspective by Paul Backholer.
Find out more about the book here.
Britain, a Christian Country
A nation defined by Christianity and the Bible, and the social changes that challenge this biblical heritage by Paul Backholer.
Find out more about the book here.
The Holy Spirit in a Man
One man’s compelling journey of faith and intercession. Spiritual warfare, intercession, faith, healings and miracles in the modern world by R.B. Watchman.
Find out more about the book here.
Tares and Weeds in Your Church
Trouble & deception in God’s house. The end time overcomers: Christian leadership and spiritual warfare by R.B. Watchman.
Find out more about the book here.