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Christianity Rediscovered
In Pursuit of God and the Path to Eternal Life: What you Need to Know to Grow, Living the Christian Life with Jesus Christ, Book 1
by Mathew Backholer
Since the beginning of time mankind has asked, “Why am I alive, does my life matter and is there an afterlife I can prepare for?”
Christianity Rediscovered has the answers and will help you find meaning, focus, clarity and peace. It reveals how to pursue God,
invites direction, provides spiritual guidance and will motivate you to live a strong Christian life in the present whilst preparing for eternity.
Christianity Rediscovered is rooted and grounded in the Bible and is written in an easy-to-read style with verses of Scripture printed in full,
with practical advice, guidance and explanations. Intermingled throughout the book are quotes from leaders of the Christian faith which help
explain and reinforce Christian truth in a contemporary manner. The contents are practical in their explanations, lively in their illustrations
and are not a list of do’s and don’ts, but what you need to know to succeed and grow now, and for a great eternal life.
Having a purpose and meaning to life
Getting to know God and the path to Heaven
How to be a happier person and find fulfilment
Jesus Christ revealed and what He has done for mankind
Christian language, the Bible explained and prayer explored
Eternity, the Book of Life, the Judgment, Heaven and Hell
Rediscovering Christianity and eternal salvation
What goes on inside a church building and why
Worship, Communion and being baptised in water
Book Details
Size 9 x 6 inches (229mm x 152mm)
14 chapters
132 pages
ISBN 978-1907066-62-7 (paperback)
eBook Details
ISBN 978-1907066-63-4 (eBook)
Available on multiple eReaders.
Kindle, Kobo, Apple iBook, Nook, etc.

Order the book in our store here.
1. In the Beginning – A look at Our Need
2. What is a Christian?
3. Eternity – Judgment Day: Heaven or Hell?
4. I Want to be a Christian
5. Now I am a Christian
6. The Bible is the Word of God
7. Prayer – Talking to God
8. Attending a Place of Worship – Church
9. Communion – the Lord’s Supper
10. Baptism in Water
11. Seven Biblical Words
12. Who I am in Jesus Christ
13. The Cost of Discipleship
14. Living for Jesus Christ
Other Books by Mathew Backholer
A – The Process of Salvation and the Holy Spirit
B – The Twelve Disciples / Apostles
C – Jesus Christ in Me (the Holy Spirit) and I in Christ
D – A Genuine Christian
E – A Brief Overview of Each Book of the Bible
F – Conditions for Answered Prayer
Glossary of Terms
Sources and Notes
ByFaith Media Books
ByFaith Media DVDs
About the Author
Mathew Backholer is a Christian TV presenter, author, revival historian, missiologist, seasoned traveller and the co-founder of
ByFaith Media (www.ByFaith.org). Mathew began his studies at Bible College in his twenties where he received theological training
and went into fulltime Christian ministry. Twenty years have passed since enrolling at Bible College and he has preached and
taught at home and abroad, he is interdenominational in character, evangelical in outlook and has written more than a dozen books,
and travelled to over forty countries.