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Revival Answers, True and False Revivals, Genuine or Counterfeit
Do not be Deceived. Discerning Between the Holy Spirit and the Demonic.
What is true revival and how can we tell the genuine from the false, the true from the spurious? With many preachers claiming to have ‘revival,’
some wanting to impart it into your life, with many evangelists, churches and conferences declaring they will have revival (so come and receive
a touch) – what is the truth?
Revival Answers, True and False Revivals will answer these questions and many others, so we can discern genuine heaven-sent revival and not be
deceived by a counterfeit. Many Christians who faithfully and persistently prayed for revival have rejected a move of God because they did not
recognise it. Let us not be guilty of resisting the Holy Spirit, or condoning the flesh or the demonic.
Drawing from Scripture and Church history, this book will sharpen your senses and take you on a journey of discovery. What God declares in His
Word and what Church history records as you search for a personal revival, and a move of the Holy Spirit within your local fellowship and beyond.
Book Details
8.5 x 5.5 inches (216mm x 140mm)
43 chapters
232 pages
ISBN 978-1-907066-15-3 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-907066-25-2 (eBook)

Revival – The Facts
Evangelism and Revival
Revivals in the Bible
Revival Related Scriptures
What Does Revival Do?
The Abnormal and Normal Church
The Pendulum Swing of Revival
The Beginnings of Revival
The Characteristics of Revival
Reoccurring Experiences in Revival
The Church and Revival
The Community in Times of Revival
Educational Establishments in Revival
Evangelism and Missions During Revival
Physical Phenomena
Conviction and Confession of Sin
Conversion and Dealing with the Past
The Supernatural of Revival
Persecution – Verbally and Physically
The Old and the New Wine
Divine or Demonic – True and False
Enemies of the Cross
False and Counterfeit Revival
The Dangers of Revival
Nurturing Revival
Wisdom and Discernment
Deception and Rejection
God’s Rules and His Laws
Human Emotions
Handling Physical Phenomena
Foolish Excess and the Demonic
Rebellion Against the Holy Spirit
A Variety of Human Personalities
The Tongue and Social Networks
Fresh Water or Salt Water
Regeneration and False Converts
The Devil’s Deception
You Shall Know the Truth
Analysing Revivals
Self and Full Surrender
Personal Revival
Pathway to Revival
Steps Towards Revival
Sources and Notes
About the Author
Mathew Backholer is the co-founder of ByFaith Media and films and co-presents ByFaith TV that
airs globally on more than a dozen Christian networks. He has travelled to more than 40 nations researching revivals
and carrying out mission work. He is the author of a number of books including: Revival Fires and Awakenings, Global Revival - Worldwide
Outpourings, Revival Fire - 150 Years of Revivals, How to Plan, Prepare and Successfully Complete Your Short-Term Mission
and Discipleship For Everyday Living: Christian Growth.
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