April 2006

I have been asked to write an article for the thought page and as the title suggests, I had to think about what to write. After a little thinking and a little prayer, this is what I have come up with.

Life is good, life is hard, but nonetheless life is good. In Jesus Christ we all have great potential and all the credentials we need to lead a successful, God-glorifying and fulfilling life. For most of us we won’t be as successful as those who look through the eye-glass of the world, but for them, what does it profit if they gain the whole world and lose their souls? They gain nothing, yet lose everything and that which is left behind is generally forgotten.

100 years ago this month the San Francisco earthquake and subsequent fire (which burned for many days) caused untold loss of life, suffering and death to countless victims of tragic circumstances. Several people took their own lives after the loss of everything they had owned and felt dear. Whilst tragedy is not exempt from the Christian life, we know that there is a Rock that is higher than us and a place of refuge amongst the storms of life. That Rock is Jesus Christ and we need to be sure that we have a firm foundation in Him.

Mathew Backholer
