Signs and Hallmarks of Christian Maturity
Justice and mercy are always better than the heavy handed law. Jesus said “[you] have
neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy…” (Matthew 23:23). ‘…mercy triumphs
other judgment’ (James 2:13). Rules and structures are not more important than people.
One hallmark of Christian maturity is acknowledging that nobody’s perfect and loving them despite their
short comings. ‘Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint
against another; even as Christ forgave you, you also must do’ (Colossians 3:13).
Discerning between good and evil is a sign of maturity (see Hebrews 5:13-14 and 1 Peter 5:8-9).
Another hallmark of Christian maturity is to accept the fact that God has called us to be faithful
and not successful, but we are called to be fruitful (John 15:2-16).
Coming to terms with the fact that God often delays answering our prayers when we know that what
we are praying for is good and right, can be a real test of our character. The willingness to wait
for God to give an answer in His own time and in the way He knows is best, is one of the greatest
marks of spiritual maturity.
When people are asked to pay for something they believe that can help them [a book or teaching
DVD etc.] then that is when their belief is put to the test.
Obey the Scriptures and you will get results; violate them and you get consequences.
Your gift, gifting or talents may reveal your ministry but your servant heart reveals your
maturity (John 13:1-17).
It requires humility to give oneself in the service of others, but to accept the service of
others can be even more humbling.
Spiritual parenting is an investment into lives of individuals and only eternity will
reveal the dividends that have been paid.
It is a mark of wisdom and humility to seek counsel from older people who have achieved success
in the areas of life where you need guidance.
You will make your most important discoveries through your own experiences, see each situation
whether good or bad as a training ground to help you develop your character or personality.
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