The Holy Spirit will only continue to speak to us, with the same measure we listen and obey. Thus, we must learn to think the thoughts of the Holy Spirit, to help us to live like Jesus.
When we were saved, our minds were not renewed to think like God wants us to think, because it is a process which we are commanded to undertake ourselves.
This is why many believers still think like the world, they still live according to the will of the flesh and their carnal natures still leans towards
fulfilling the will of the Kingdom of darkness (John 8:44, Romans 8:13, Colossians 3:5-7).
We must learn to discern between His voice and others, and we must be aware that the Spirit of God will only continue to speak to us, with the
same measure we listen in obedience to Him. If we never obey the Holy Spirit, He will stop speaking to us! If we obey Him, He will know that we
are serious and He will return to us again and again!
One of the greatest problems in the Church is that Christian people have never had their minds renewed to view the world from a biblical
perspective (Ephesians 4:23). For this reason, when they are faced with a biblical truth, instead of accepting it, they filter it out and dilute it by
the measure of current culture and its worldview. The Holy Spirit will speak to us and show us that our minds have been contaminated by the deception
of this world and only He, with the living Word, can change our view of everything!
This is an excerpt from the book
‘Holy Spirit Power! Knowing the Voice, Guidance and Person of the Holy Spirit’ by Paul Backholer and is used by permission.