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E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing on the rise
Are you fed up with getting lots of junk e-mail, known as spam? The bad news is that next year many firms are likely to be trying out e-mail marketing, which means your inbox could be fuller than ever.
The marketing industry believes that e-mail could be a marketing gold mind allowing firms to speak personally to possible new customer. The reasons are simple, it is instant communication, cost effective and the results have been good.
Research has shown that 1/3 of those who receive e-mail marketing visit the companies website, and around 15% make a purchase.
This may be good news for big business, but for us, it could mean a host of e-mails that just waste our time. The best way to deal with this problem is to never open their e-mail, block the message, and never visit the website. But as long as we are interested, the marketing will continue.