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Missions in China
China, a country where people stare at you wherever you go, just because you are different, people who try and
speak to you, maybe to practise their few words of English, sometimes even rattling away at you in Chinese thinking
you can understand them, people with a smile on their faces, friendly people; but seeking people, seeking after
the real meaning in life; many who have never even heard the name of Jesus.
Witnessing for the Lord in China was not easy; you certainly cannot stand on the streets and have an open-air meeting!
Witnessing in China is about making friends, showing them that you really care, spending time with them, showing
them the love of Christ and then speaking to them about the wonderful news of salvation.
Living in China was not easy, but it was a wonderful time to experience the faithfulness of the Lord and His grace to
meet every circumstance, every difficulty and every challenge.
When He calls us we may feel inadequate, we may feel we cannot do it; that’ s how I felt many times; but the Lord just
asks us to be available in His hands. He will then enable us and give us the grace to do it; it’s all about letting Him
work through us; it’s all about Him.